Friday, March 25, 2011

day 6

One day from a a full week..

Where did I see God today?

In a few things.  I saw Got pouring himself out at convo today.  Talk about something that got to me, my word.  The name of the speaker was Rob Hoskins, leader of One Hope (Click Here), an organization dedicated to seeing that every nation, every person, every child has the opportunity to hear the word of God.  He opened his message with a video portraying the life of a girl living in the slums in Southeast Asia.  This girl, was supporting her two brothers, because both of her parents were not able to provide.  Stricken to poverty, she was ready to take her own life, when she received a bible in her native tongue.  The first one she had ever seen.  She got saved.

He continued on, and shared the story of a young lady in the slums of South America.  This lady, received a bible through his organization.  Upon digging deeper, they found out she too, lived in a troubled home, with a alcoholic father, and literally a house with no roof.  Within 6 months of giving her life to Christ, she began to serve at a local Church.  Within 2 years, both of her siblings were saved.  Within another year her father gave his life to Christ, and left his alcoholism behind him.  He was able to land a decent job, and the family has now moved to a more prominent neighborhood, and is in much better financial shape.

But that's not what got me... what got me was this, this point he continued to drive home.

No matter how much money, how much materialism we poor into these third world countries, they won't succeed without the word of God.  Point?  God is the only one who can bring us TRUE happiness.

Japan is one of the richest countries in the world, yet possesses one of the HIGHEST suicide rates in the world.  Money, materialism, stuff of this world will not make us happy, it is not fulfilling.  TRUE JOY, comes through Jesus Christ.

That's where I saw God today.


  1. This gave me goosebumps in convo and gave me goosebumps when i read this now. Very well written Zach

  2. you read it! sweeet. and thanks, but I think your a much better writer than I.
