Friday, August 27, 2010

You're Ever so Inviting

..... It's a song by the popular Christian band Underoath.  There's a line in this song that is stuck in my head, playing over and over.

The opening line verse goes... " The time has come for you to sit this out, to fit inside your mold, would be to sell myself short.... I think he's talking about a christian, whose stuck in the sinful ways of the world.

"Oh, my story's growing and growing it is
on my last request
Don't make me feel so contradicting
There's no room for cheating and being yourself
Failure leaves such a bitter taste in their mouth"

With this line, I personally take out of it this.  We as Christians are growing, but yet at the same time our human nature, our sinful nature is dragging us down.  The songwriter is expressing
 not only his struggles with overcoming his own sinful nature, but yet the spectrum that we as Christians are viewed under to the non saved world.  "Failure leaves such a bitter taste in their mouths".  When we fail, when we give in to our sinful nature; it does leave a bitter taste in a non belivers mouth.  Why would they want to be like us? They see no difference.
"Taste and see... I swear I know what's good
Be still and know that they won't... lie to you, every
single time you're facing lies"

Psalm 34:8 says "Taste and see that the Lord is good..."

and Psalm 46:10 says " Be still and know that I am God"....

------ I guess what I take from this lyrical quote I a man struggling, yet God reaching out to him, as evidence by "taste and see", and "be still and know".  At the same time the world, people out there are looking at us, holding us to a higher standard, because we are called and often claim to be "Christ Like"?  And they won't lie to us, they will tell us exactly what they think....That we are hypocrites and we contradict what we say, in the way we live our lives...

Before that verse he  sings.....

"Oh it's getting longer and longer come on

To see it through their eyes
Would bring me so much closer
You can't do this night after night after night
Failure leaves such a bitter taste in my mouth"

To me this clearly just emphasizes the constant struggle between the Holy Spirit inside of use, and the sinful nature that we face every second of every day.  Failure does leave a bitter taste in my mouth.

This is just what I take out of this song, I think it's a great illustration of what we face every day, and the constant struggle within us.  Alot of my struggle is not necesarrily oh I'm going to mess up, and stumble, it's a fear of what will happen if I do.  This is so close to home for me because for the past 2 years I've been no where close to God, I've been a mockery of Christianity.  So it hit's close to home...

Anyways. That's just been on my heart. Thanks for reading.

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