Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day 27 - Never Forget

It was a cold day, it was well into Spring and it was snowing outside.  I was in Mrs. Beachumps College Spanish class around noon when I got word, "shooting at Virginia Tech".  For the next two hours, we watched in horor on TV and on the internet as the largest school massacre in US history unfolded 45 minutes down the road.  Many former classmates, many friend, many family members, all at Tech, it is a day I want to forget, but will never be able to.  I remember exactly where I was, exactly how that day went. 

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says in all things give thanks, I would ask regardless of your political views, to please take 5 minutes to watch this video.

I watched this tonight, and it brought tears to my eyes.  The leader of our nation praising and glorifying God's name EVEN THROUGH one of the darkest days ever to occur in the United States.  A man not afraid to stand up for Christ, to passionately present him, and to humbly but his hope and trust in God, in front of America, in a time of grief and crisis.  This is where I saw God today, in a big way.  Wow.

Ya'll be good.  Never Forget

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