"Yo what are you doin"?
Me: Ya know, chillin', savin the world like always.
Cody: That's chill, come to Galax with me.
Me: Aight I'll be ready in twenty.
That's how it went down. I had the night off work and decided to head home for a night to surprise the rents and my brother, and see some friends. I realized while I was at home, that I only have 2 more full weekends here at Liberty. Next weekent, then I will be home for Easter, then I will be here the weekend after that. School ends that week. It's kind of sad. Actually, I'm not looking forward to it at all. I've made some great friends, built some great relationships here and once again they'll be coming to a rather abrupt end. I'm trusting in God though, I am certain he has a plan for me, absolutely certain.
Which leads me to my main point for the night. Being home this weekend, I was tempted. Outside of this little bubble we call Liberty, it is so hard to get off track, so hard to fade far from God. I got a small glimpse of what next year at Va Tech will be like. It's funny though, cause I noticed it. Before I started this challenge, I doubt the thought would have come to my mind "woah I'm being tempted" - - I probably just would have given in. I guess I really got a very small piece of how imperative and important it is that I stay in God's word and in prayer over the summer, and over the course of next year. At Liberty, it's easy to surround yourself with God, with the right people. It's not gonna be that way at Tech, and it just kinda hit me tonight. I saw God today work in me, and reveal himself to me in that way. It's so cool how he works, I mean it really is. Ahhhhhhhhhhh :)
I heard this quote today, and it's kinda just been weighing on my mind. Growing up, I had alot of crushes, and I mean alot, haha, most of which didn't pan. We won't get into all that though ;). Anyways, what I read was this quote from C.S. Lewis
"Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained." --C.S. Lewis"I guess this past year has been kind of weird for me, from a relationship standpoint. I haven't really had that "crush", I've always had. I've been interested in a girl here and there, but nothing has really took hold of me, consumed me, constantly been on my mind, etc. etc. Every person knows what I'm referring to, when your a teenager. I'm no relationship expert, but it's almost as if I see what I'm looking for in a future wife become my main priority, the main thing I look for, rather than that euphoric high you get for the first littlle while when you meet someone new. I'm learning I guess, to see past that, to play through that, because it never lasts. I don't want to get into my personal relationships or whatnot, I guess all I'm trying to say is this. I believe love is real, and very powerful, and when you meet someone and do in fact fall in love, it is a very powerful and very strong emotion. However, on a personal level for me, I have gone from looking for that "crush", to looking for qualities that I would want my future wife to have. Not that girl whose rocking the sundress. Not the girl with a Southern Drawl and eyes that will kill. Sure things like that are attractive, but God has really changed what attracts me, to be more in line with the desires of his heart. For those who are discouraged, (as it is so easy to do when you've been single for over a year), don't beat yourselves up. Pray for God to reveal himself to you in ways you never have seen him before. Spend time in prayer and in his word, and just commit yourself to taking time off from "relationships or talking to girls". Limit everything to strictly friends, and earnestly seek God's direction for growth.
That about sums that up I reckon. haha.
Sorry to get all sappy on ya'll, that's just kinda been on my heart for the past couple weeks, and I felt like tonight was a good time to write about it. I love writing if you couldn't tell, it's how I exrpess myself.
Night Y'all
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