Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 2

Today was a good day.  Got up pretty early to go to Boone for the metal in my mouth, went to the outlet malls, came home, came back to school. 

I worked out today!  Spring break kinda kicked my butt just a bit.  It felt good to run again. 

Anyways, what did I notice God in today?  This is kind of backwards, but I think it counts.  Driving down the road with my ever so loving little brother seems pretty care free.  Add a tired, grumpy, sore, hates the world Zach Robinson to the equation, things quickly become much more hostile.  Add to that, a loving mother, whose trying to keep peace between her two boys, by rambling on and on about not complaining, and being filled with joy.. shew, it was a long day.

I was captain Buzz Killigan all day long, every little move seemed to irk me the wrong way, and I made sure to let everyone know about it.  Mom was reading this book about changing attitudes.  She kept talking about complaining, and how we do it all often way too much.  I go to thinking, about complaining, and about how I do it all the time.  Then she said "if one is always complaining, always unhappy with something, are they really happy with God? Are they really filled with joy"?  (Don't worry, she read this from the book, no way she thought of that on her own :) ).  It hit me, kinda like a slap in the face.  Woah.  Don't step on my toes James Macdonald. 

In conclusion, I saw God today, speaking to me throught the people, the circumstances around me.  It was pretty cool, and eye oppening at the same time. 

1 comment:

  1. What do you mean I couldn't have thought of that on my own?? LOL :) Love you, Zach. BTW, that didn't come from the book. I think it came from God's Spirit speaking directly to your heart. Now that's what I call COOL! A God thing for sure!!! Isn't God amazing!!
