Thoughts for the day...
1) It is so much warmer in Lynchburg than it is back home, in the Blue Ridge.
2) Every 19 year old should read Josh Harriss' "Boy Meets Girl" - It is completely changing my whole approach to dating, and relationships with the opposite sex. For me, it is really helping me grow in my faith, but at the same time helping me realize the value of having a christ centered relationship.
3) If Virginia Tech would not have lost to Boise State, we would be the number 1 team in the nation.
4) A Winter forecast will be coming in early November. If early trends continue, get ready to use those shovels.
5) Everyone should read a chapter of Proverbs everday. Just try it, you'll see.
6) My mother is an amazing cook. The past two weekends she has cooked for me everytime I have been home. If you want some amazing BBQ, call her.
7) It will rain tonight through tommorow morning.
8) I hate statistics.
9) I hate statistics.
10) I hate.... you get the point.
11) I thought Desean Jackson, a Philadelphia Eagles wideout was seriously injured after sustaining this hit.
12) Cliff Lee is the best pitcher in baseball. The Yankees would agree.
13) Looks like me trying to steal home plate.
14) Start reading more, wheher it be online, in books, magazines, or whatever. A convocation speaker here at Liberty suggested that if we read 1 hour a day, by the time were like 28 or something, we would have read around 540 books. That's alot of knowledge. I have started, not an hour a day, but reading more, and I don't seem to be as tired. Seems odd, but at least that's one positive.
15) Do I really have 10 thoughts left?
16) I can't wait til Thanksgiving week. Deer hunting and working trees, and home cooking. Maybe some snow too.
17) Everyone with a free Sunday should come to Octoberfest at Fincastle Baptist Church, on October 31st. I'm using this chance for extra credit in some classes. Plus, it should be fun.
18) The preacher of the aftermentioned church, actually came to evangelism class Monday night to talk about creative ways to evangelize. The end result? We ended up playing let's make a deal, and he actually gave away close to 50 dollars in prizes.
19) Really Brett Favre? In case you haven't noticed, your a grandfather. I don't want to believe you sent pictures of your 41 year old male genetilia to a 27 year old super model. Then again, you also said you retired like 72 times, so it's kind of hard to believe whatever you tell us.
20) Radford University is a fun place to hang out.
21) This explains alot.
22) Good luck Austin Larrowe at the National FFA Convention this week!
23) I really hate Zack Hall's love for the Green Bay Packers