My prayer for myself, for my friends, for everyone I know is that we all will work in God's timing. That we will just be still and know, that God is truely God, and no matter how hard we try to forget that fact, it will never change. He was, he is, he will forever be". That we will all truely place God first in everything we do, and believe me that is such a hard hard thing to do.
This is so cliche. "God's timing". But really? Should it be cliche? Let me explain..
Let's say there is a job I am really, really looking forward to. However, lets say, that my boss is a non believer, as well as my co-workers. If I wasn't spiritually ready to enter that environment, what kind of impact would I have? What kind of image would I put on the word Christian? Just probably more fodder to non christians who spend their days searching for Hypocites.
Now, lets look at it from a different perspective.
Say, I pray about it, ask for God's patience, and against my human nature, listen to God, and tough it out. Let's say I still get the same job, nothing changes. However, I am much more spiritually mature in Christ. I am much more prepared to share my faith. I am much more disciplined spiritually, so my sinful nature doesn't control me.
See the difference?
The same t concept can be applied to almost anything in life. Work, relationships, financial decisions etc. etc. If we are not where God wants us to do something, to accomplish something - - don't.
I was talking with a friend today. She was explaining to me how she was so excited to go on a missions trip during spring break. She went to the meetings, spent a while filling out the forms. She got to the last page. The last box on the last page, where it asked " Define your relationship with Christ, where your at, and what not".
She quit filling it out. Her response to my question "Why?" was simply: (not word for word) It would have been selfish. I know spiritually I am not ready to go on a missions trip yet. I am not where God wants me to do that.
Pretty humbling, eh?
Some things God just has to reveal to us personally:)